How long does it take for Omni Interlibrary Loan (formerly RACER) items to arrive?


The arrival of Omni Interlibrary Loan (formerly RACER) items at York depends on several factors.

  • Between 5 and 10 days if the material is coming from a Canadian library
  • Up to 6 weeks if it is coming from a U.S, or international library
  • In both cases, it will take longer if your request does not include an ISBN or ISSN. If it is available, please make sure to include this information in your request
  • Please indicate an 'Item Not Needed After' date in your request. This will help staff guage how widely they should search. For example, if your 'Item Not Needed After' date is only two weeks away, staff will probably not search overseas

If you have any questions contact the Resource Sharing Department:


  • Last Updated Sep 18, 2024
  • Views 139
  • Answered By Rocco Bellantoni