Our physical course reserves collections are available for a 24-hour loan period from the AskUs/Circulation desks at Scott Library, Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, Steacie Science and Engineering Library, Markham Campus Library, and Leslie Frost Library.
Most course readings should be available through your course’s eClass page. You can search Omni to find out if your professor has placed any of their course readings in our reserves. For instructions on finding reserved material for your course, please see the library's guide for using Omni.
Most articles can be searched and found through Omni or consult our Finding Journal Articles guide for steps on using our subject research guides to find articles using specific recommended databases.
Materials from the Sound & Moving Image Library, such as DVDs and sound recordings, can be requested for through Omni for pick up at the library branches or through Scott, Glendon and Markham Book Lockers.
If you have any further questions, you can speak with library staff through one of our Chat Services or contact the Access Services Department by emailing
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