How do I get to PsycINFO?


To get to the database PsycINFO, we recommend one of the two options below:

Option 1

  1. Go to the YU Libraries home page catalogue search engine OMNI.
  2. Type 'PsycINFO' in the Omni search box and click the Search button.
  3. Once you see the result page, look for the Resource Type facet on the left side menu. Expand this facet by selecting the Show More option from the list.
  4. Select Databases from the expanded menu to limit the search to databases only.
  5. You can then select one of the PsycINFO databases listed on the new result page, depending on the resource you need.

Option 2

  1. Go to the YU Libraries home page catalogue search engine OMNI.
  2. Select the Research Guides option right below the Omni search box.
  3. In the upper right corner of the page, click the Go to A-Z list button.
  4. Once you see the full list of the databases, you can browse the list alphabetically or type 'PsycINFO' in the search box in the upper right corner.
To access the database you will need to sign in using your Passport York account.
  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2024
  • Views 1535
  • Answered By My-Hanh Hoang